• April 26, 2024

ITM technology for new EU tax stamp requirements

ITM has developed a piece of equipment that will help tobacco companies comply with the requirements of the revised EU tobacco directive (TDP2) relating to the position of the tax stamp.

Within several months new European legislation will mandate health warnings covering 65 percent of the front and back panels of the pack. Although the EU has granted a three-year grace period to relocate the stamp position, manufacturers will not be allowed to use the space above the health warnings for branding or other advertisements. By May 2019, the tax stamp must be relocated on both hard-boxes and soft packs.

ITM’s Ceres enables users to swap back and forth between the traditional tax stamp position and the one mandated by the TPD2. Ceres can be quickly integrated into existing production lines. It conveniently features one technology for multiple packing platforms.

ITM will demonstrate Ceres in September and October at its head office in Kampen, Netherlands. For reservations and more information contact Ceres@itmgroup.eu